Sunday, January 4, 2015

Black and White Sunday ~ Victoria's Accident

Victoria was hit by a car early Monday morning. After a long, rough week with lots of prayer, veterinary attention, and hard work, it looks like she is going to be alright. At the moment one leg is paralyzed, but should recover at least some control and she has an ulcer on one eye we're fighting. She has a fractured pelvis as well. The day of the accident she has bleeding/bruising in her lungs and a prolapsed eye, but only minor long-term damage (eye) came from those specific injuries. It's a considerable vet bill I could not gave paid without CareCredit, which i have specifically for situations like these. I'm in college, money is not falling off trees for me right now and while I'm not a person comfortable with debt, allowing for emergency medical situations for your pet is critical. Victoria's recovery will be slow, but she will recover and I'm so incredibly thankful for that.



  1. Oh my gosh!! I am so sorry about Victoria being hit by a car!! That is such a scary and stressful situation!! I'm glad she will be okay and I hope she feels better soon!! ~hugs~

  2. That is everyone's nightmare....both our dog being hit by a car as well as the accompanying bill. Prayers for a speedy and successful recovery.
