Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Yaky Charms ~ Tasty Tuesday

I was in a local holistic/natural pet store to get the crew some duck foot chews and I noticed this as I was checking out:

Intrigued, I picked up a bag, brought it home and stuck it in the microwave for the full 3 minutes (which was too long, a few pieces got a little, er, "tan"). At first I thought it wasn't working because you can't hear the pieces popping like you can with popcorn, but when I took the bag out, voila!

The texture is most similar to puffed rice, and Skipper and Quenya went crazy for them. They ate them so fast I couldn't even take a good picture.

There was probably about 1 1/2 Cups of the little puffed Yaky Charms in all, and they actually stretch a long way. While Victoria wasn't interested (unless it's squishy and meaty, or a nice chew/bully stick she usually isn't interested) both Skipper and Quenya liked them enough that they could definitely be used as training treats for a special occasion where I might was a high-reward, no-mess treat. They are too big/easily crushed to be a practical training treat.


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