Saturday, December 6, 2014

Holiday Conditioning ~ Sepia Saturday

It's Skipper's first Christmas this year and I'm taking care to introduce him to the holidays properly. Music everywhere, jingling bells, Christmas lights and blow up can all be overwhelming! Skipper seems to be embracing the season with gusto, and right now our biggest problem is learning that the Christmas tree/treestand is not a 24/7 all-you-can-eat Drink & Chewstick bar. We're getting there, finally. We went to a small community area in our city the other night, there's a Starbucks there I go to almost every day before work that makes my coffee the absolute best. They don't mind my bringing Skipper inside in his carrier as long as I get my coffee to-go, so I grabbed my coffee and then walked around with Skipper to look at the lights everyone had put up. Our journey culminated in getting on the stage designed for various performances and sitting there to look at the giant Christmas tree.

Overall it's shaping up to be a pretty good first Christmas for Skipper this year.



  1. Great photo of Skipper admiring the tree! Sounds like a sweet way to spend the evening. PS. I'm happy to meet you and follow your blog! Come visit me at Terra Toby :)

  2. Sepia lights. Love this! Happy Sepia Saturday!
