Thursday, April 23, 2015

{52 Snapshots of Life} Week 17: Earth

For me (human) Earth means first the smell of loamy soil after it's rained, and then the green color of leaves in Spring and in Florida we have leaf-littered oak forests everywhere, fraught with small ponds and limestone outcroppings. During this season it seems everywhere you you see greys and browns mixed with every color of green that could exist on this earth. A beautiful creation filled with everything that is life.

One of my favorite sayings is "Keep your feet fixed to the ground, and your eyes lifted to the sky." When I was looking through my photos that phrase immediately burst into my mind when I came upon this photo of Skipper. Our earth is soil and water and stone and sky all intertwined in a delicately spun web--what a wonderful week to think about how appreciated it all is!


  1. First of all, LOVE your marquis photo of Skipper. What a great face, and those eyes! Where in Florida do you live? We're in Fort Lauderdale and Sophie loves to roll around in the run through the grass here. Skipper looks like he's enjoying himself and found something of tremendous interest just off frame.

  2. Great pics also the saying completes the pic
