Saturday, May 16, 2015

Going in for the CGC

Quenya will be going to CGC practice later this morning. While technically we don't have to take the test while we're there, I am really, really hoping I'm feeling good enough to try. I have a pretty stable outlook on life with my dogs and I'm really not obsessive about our official accomplishments, but Quenya is an amazing dog and honestly deserves this title. She's my superstar who is good in the city, at fairs, at events, when we're eating out...she's already an amazing canine citizen--let's hope after today it's official!

I've been a dog owner long enough though to know that Anything-Can-Happen is a real thing. She could throw up in the middle of our Down-Stay. She could develop a sudden intense interest in squirrel poop during her Come. She could have a serious ADHD moment during our Loose Leash Walk (she is definitely known to have these at the worst possible time) and forget everything I've ever taught her.

So I'm going into it with the whole hoping for the best/prepared for the worst attitude.


  1. Have fun and good luck if you decide to take the test today!

  2. Both my guys have their CGCs. The hardest one for Jimmy was the walk among strangers/distractions as someone was sweeping with a broom. Jimmy LOVES to bite brooms! Luckily he controlled himself just long enough!

    Good Luck if you give it a try.

  3. I hope things go well for Quenya! Good luck.

  4. Good luck on the CGC, I'm sure Quenya will do great! If you can take deep breaths and keep a calm demeanor, she will pick up on it and be fine. Sounds like she already does great w/ many distractions around her.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  5. It's going to be a good experience. Enjoy, Happy Sunday. Golden Woofs

  6. Good luck and just enjoy being with your BFF!

  7. Good luck! It's a good experience. And you're right, anything can happen! Nola aced her test, except for reaction to distraction. They opened an umbrella right behind her, and since I never use umbrellas (Florida storms + umbrellas = don't feel like getting electrocuted!), it freaked her out. Luckily they allowed us to redo, and she passed with flying colors.
