Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Quenya's CGC Treat for Tasty Tuesday + Loving life and #FuelTheCure

Quenya got a very special treat for passing her Canine Good Citizen test on Sunday - a small recreational raw marrow bone from Primal! While I don't feed my dogs a raw diet for personal reasons (I see absolutely nothing wrong with it for most people) I'm not against the occasional raw treat, and as long as I leave a few hours between the treat and their meals, they do just fine tummy-wise! Quenya licked the marrow out and decided the bone itself wasn't worth bothering with. I gave it to Skipper to gnaw for an hour, and then Victoria. After it had been out about three hours I threw it away. The packaging says it's safe for quite a bit longer than that, but I wasn't comfortable having it out any longer--although at that point it was quite a clean looking bone!
A healthy diet is the first step to a healthy dog.

The second step to a healthy dog is exercise! Teach your dog to love the outdoors, and to love life. Quenya loves hiking. Our favorite trail is behind a local park where there is a winding path through the woods with interesting landmarks like this giant dirt wall, created by tree roots holding the earth upright.

 You come out of the winding path to a huge clearing, with grass the park personnel keep mowed short enough that I don't worry about snakes or ticks. Here I can let Quenya run free. It's a great place to play fetch with our ChuckIt and/or to practice our off-leash work in a non-home environment.

No, there isn't a dog in this one. It just shows a piece of the park's beauty!
 After the field, the path leads to a large creek. It varies in depth from quite a shallow wading area to an area deep enough for most dogs to swim. Quenya's favorite depth is above her chest, but still shallow enough for her feet to touch the bottom. We always play fetch in the creek--it's one of her favorite things in life!
Somehow I haven't gotten a good photo of her in the water here yet. I usually take her off leash and play fetch, and forget to use the camera!

We're also joining the Tasty Tuesday Blog hop!


  1. Congrats on passing your Canine Good Citizen!

  2. Wow! High paws for passing the CGC!!! And what a yummy treat to receive after a job well done - a raw bone by Primal! I love their raw bones too and Ma is the same way...she chucks it after a while too. Thank you for showing us your beautiful park and for joining our hop to raise funds for The Dog & Cat Cancer Fund!

  3. Lots of good fun here! Congratulations on your CGC! So lucky to have such a pretty park to walk in.

  4. I bought raw marrow bones from the butcher, and placed them in the freezer. Just waiting for Jax to get a little older and then he can join Harley in the backyard - yum...Congrat's agin on your CGC!

  5. Great job on the CGC - that is quite an accomplishment!

    We love Primal's Raw Marrow bones - they make for one heck of a treat! Love that park too - it looks like it has everything a dog could ask for!

  6. Congratulations on your CGC! That's still on our list of puppy-to-do accomplishments :-) I couldn't agree more with you on the combination of healthy dog food & daily exercise!

  7. Hurray! Great job passing the CGC!

  8. Congrats on the CGC! I understand how hard water shots are too lol I have yet to get one.

  9. That looks like a great place to walk and explore!


  10. Yay! Golden High Five!!! Golden Congrats!!! What a pawsome place for an adventure and loving life. Golden Thanks for joining the hop. Golden Woofs
